Volunteer! It's what we do!

If you have a student in the band program at Forsyth Central High School, then you are a FOC Band Booster! Congratulations, as you are part of one of the most recognized high school band programs in the state! So, YOU ARE A BAND BOOSTER!

As a member of the band program, students learn so much more than music. They become a part of something larger than themselves and develop friends for life, develop leadership skills, and contribute to the community around them. They become doers and achievers!

As FOC Band Boosters, Our Job Is To...

  • Enlist support from the home, school, and general public
  • Make the needs of the students known to the community and public
  • Raise money to support the band program and music education
  • Support the students through our volunteer work

At the very least, you should be attending the monthly Band Booster meeting. It is held on the 2nd Monday of every month @ 7pm (yes even over the summer) at the Forsyth Central High School Cafeteria.

It is only 1 hour and you will get updates, can ask questions, provide ideas to improve, and help make decisions. We need you there! Please mark your calendars!

Volunteers are Needed!

Many Hands Make Light Work!

A great band program doesn’t happen without the help of volunteers. You can help a little, or a lot. Whichever works best for you. Here are some options:

Fundraising: Everyone can help. Do you know a business that would like to donate or be a FOC Sponsor? Contact Pam Walker!

Band Camp: We need volunteers that can help during band camp. This involves preparing meals and snacks for the band. Can you make a sandwich? Can you wash grapes? If yes, you are a perfect fit! Contact Tracey White if you can devote any amount of time between July 11th and 21nd!

Props & Equipment: Those awesome props you see during the performance don’t build themselves. Are you handy? Do you have a hammer and screwdriver? Can you spell “hammer” and “screwdriver”? Then you are perfect! Please contact Sean Timmons if you would like to help build! They start work building during band camp.

Uniforms: We will need help measuring and fitting students for new uniforms this year. Do you own a measuring tape? Can you put shirts on a hanger? Can you read numbers? Perfect! Contact Rachel Monnin to help!

Concessions and Chaperones. Once the season starts, we will also need help with Concessions and Chaperones! More to come on these in the next couple of months, or you can contact Ronnie Jackson (concessions) and Emily Mercer (chaperones) to volunteer.

All contact information is in CHARMS. Log into your Charms account and select “Email Staff” or email information@FOCBoosters.org 

If this link doesn’t go directly to our Public Calendar, type in crimsonband into the school code.

Keep in mind that this only goes to the Public Calendar. Check the Parent/Student Calendar in Charms for exact Calendar dates.